Licence 23/500291

Poodling Paws & Our Policies


  1. Prevention of the spread of disease or infection with dogs.

  2. Daily cleaning within the living quarters.
       Deep Cleans

  3. Vaccination Policy.

  4. Food Policy.

  5. Medicating and Daily Monitoring Boarding Animals.

  6. Dog Walking Procedure.

  7. Emergency procedure in the event of loss of Electricity or Water.

  8. The care of animals in the event of a fire/ other extreme circumstances.

  9. Accepting New Dog clients

  10. Dogs under the Age of one year old.

  11. Transporting animals on and off the premises

  12. Toy Play for Dogs.

  13. Death/Escape Procedure

  14. Various Emergency Situations
     Immediate Danger
    Handling Casualties
    Dealing with the Non-Injured
    Helping the Emergency Services
    Protecting the Property

  15. Cancellation Policy

  16. Payment Policy
    Day Care

  17. Microchip Procedure

1.0 Prevention of the spread of disease or infection with dogs at Poodling Paws Pet Services

Under no circumstances will the pet service provider board any pet that has any form of active contagious illness. Should a disease or infectious outbreak become apparent on the premises of Poodling Paws, the local vets will be notified immediately. The infected or ill animal will be seen immediately by a vet.

The pet service provider requires dogs to be on a flea and worm treatment plan.

If a dog becomes ill, whilst in our care the dog will be isolated and we will contact the owner.

2.0 Daily cleaning within Poodling Paws

2.1 Dogs

All dog spaces are cleaned thoroughly at least once a day with spot checks carried out through the day. All food and water bowls will be cleaned in between uses.

2.2 Dog deep cleans inside/outside

When a fluffy guest goes home, the house and garden will be thoroughly deep cleaned. This ensures that any bacteria left by the previous dog is killed off before the next dog arrives.

All bedding will be taken out and washed and replaced with clean bedding.

3.0 Vaccination Policy at Poodling Paws Pet Services

All animals that stay with us MUST be up to date on all of their vaccinations.

An up to date vaccination booklet must be seen upon entering the property for dogs coming to stay with us. We will require a copy of a valid vaccination certificate for all dogs showing their annual boosters.

Dogs must have the required vaccinations for their own safety as well as the other animals in our care. If myself or partner is bitten or exposed to any disease or ailment received from the clients pet(s) which has not been properly or currently vaccinated, the client will be responsible for all costs and damages that may be incurred as a result

The pet service provider requires dogs to be on a flea and worm treatment plan.

All vaccinations must be updated AT LEAST 14 days prior to entry. If the animals vaccines are not up to date, or have been done within 14 days prior to the board, your pet will not be allowed to enter the property.

Ensuring that all vaccinations are up to date with our guests means that the pets within our care run a much lower risk of becoming ill.

4.0 Food Policy

We encourage owners to provide their own food so as not to change the dogs routine too much. However, we will of course provide plenty of treats while our fluffy guest stays with us. These will include Bonio’s, pedigree tasty minis / bites and Whimzees Alligator chew treats. We also have a range of high value treats including cocktail sausages and hot dogs.

We have suitable facilities including fridges and a freezer to store your pets food. We also have feeding and water bowls.

We will ask you on the day of arrival how often and how much you wish for your animal to be fed. If needed, please provide a precise amount. Please ensure we know how often your animal needs feeding, as well as if they are fussy eaters, graze or sometimes don’t eat. If you would like your dog to have an anti-gobble bowl you will need to provide this.

All fluffy guests will be fed breakfast between 7:.0am and 8:00am and dinner at 3:00pm.

Should your pet need lunch or alternative times, please let us know and we will be more than happy to do our best to accommodate your pet’s needs.

We will NOT feed dogs chocolate, onions, garlic, chives, avocado, nuts, corn on the cob, cooked bones, grapes, raisins, xylitol and alcohol.

5.0 Medicating and Daily Monitoring

We are more than happy to administrate medication. When you drop off your fluffy family member, please tell us EXACTLY how much, how often and what exactly the medication is for. If easier please feel free to bring a written list of what medications need to be administered and when.

When you bring your pet in with the medication, you will be asked to sign a disclaimer form, to provide consent for us to medicate your pet.

Should your pet need to visit the vet while you are away, we will first make contact with you and then arrange to see our local vet. If it is an emergency and we cannot make contact with you, we will take your pet to the vet and continue to try and make contact with you.

There is a vet transport charge for this. The vet will provide us with a receipt, and the bill can be settled when you come to collect your animal.

Poodling Paws are not liable for any vets fees in the event that something was to occur.

We will regularly monitor your dog’s health by doing daily health checks. Your pets eyes, nose, ears and mouth will be checked daily to ensure they are clean and happy.

If we find your pet has a runny nose, gunky eyes or anything else that may be abnormal for that animal, we will call you to let you know if it is serious. If it is not serious, we will clean the area and monitor it, and will let you know when you come to collect your pet.

If we find any lumps, bumps or anything we do not feel is normal for the animal we may call you to confirm you were aware. We do ask that you state anything abnormal on your boarding questionnaire and let us know if there are any changes each time you come in.

What may be normal for your pet may not be normal for us, so anything you think we may need to know – let us know. We don’t want to have to call you unnecessarily while you are away, so please let us know of ANYTHING we may need to know! Eg: (prone to ear infections, any warts/bumps, etc).

6.0 Dog Walking Procedure

Please provide secure collars with appropriate tags for all visits. We recommend extendable leads are not used due to health and safety. We would also request that owners also supply a well-fitting harness for their dogs, for health and safety reasons, including for walking and transportation.


Dogs will NOT be walked if the owner has requested this, or there is a medical reason, such as kennel rest.

AS WELL as this exercise, all dogs have access to the downstairs of our home and enclosed garden.

Please let us know if you WOULD NOT like your dog to have treats. We take treat bags out on our walks, however if you would like for your dog to not have treats, please let us know. You are welcome to bring your own treats for us to use.

We encourage owners to provide kongs, treat balls, anti-gobble bowls, etc. This can then provide additional enrichment for the dogs.

Please let us know if your dog destroys toys so we can give them appropriate enrichment when with them.

7.0 Emergency procedure in the event of loss of Electricity or Water


In the event of a power cut, I will ensure any power sockets that would normally be in use are switched off to prevent a fire.

I will also ensure the following are turned off:

· Washing Machines
· Tumble Dryer
· Lights
· Heat Lamps/Heaters
· Fans
· Anything plugged into sockets.

As soon as the power cut has become apparent, I will begin to find out if it is local and will come back shortly or if someone will have to come to fix it. If it is too warm a day and there is no access to fans, I will leave windows open to allow a breeze. However, if it is cold, I will ensure extra warmth in their bedding with appropriate blankets and bedding from soft beds, blankets and duvets.

When the electricity comes back on, I will turn back on all of the essentials such as heaters/fans, washing machine etc.


In the event of water loss cleaning will still be done as thoroughly as possible.

Many bottles of water will be purchased in order to refill and keep all water bowls and buckets clean and fresh.

Cleaning without water means no chemicals may be used. Spot cleans will take place. I will use bottled water to scrub any urine/faeces needed. When the water does return, all surfaces will be deep cleaned.

Should I have prior knowledge that there will be water loss, all possible buckets will be filled up of fresh water from the taps, and all cleaning will be done around this time. Bottles will be kept in the fridge to ensure drinking water, but to ensure there is cold water available.

8.0 The care of animals in the event of a fire/ other extreme circumstances

In the event of a fire or extreme circumstance situation on the premises of Poodling Paws Pet Services, where the premises is un-useable, the animals will all be moved to a safe, secure and comfortable environment.

We will always try to take as many contact numbers for each animal as possible, so the owners will be contacted and asked if they can make arrangements for someone to come and collect and keep their animal.

If this is not possible, Poodling Paws Pet Services will house pets with other boarding facilities within the local area, but ensure that the animals diet and lifestyle is kept as similar as possible to theirs stay with Poodling Paws.

For this reason, it is essential all owners bring in their microchip numbers with their pets, and any medications that are needed.

Local vets will be contacted to see if they can help and will be made aware of the situation.

Owners will be given the option to use another boarding facility and then the transfer can be made from Poodling Paws to the next facility.

9.0 Accepting New Clients

Poodling Paws will regularly accept new fluffy guests (clients).

In order to make sure the dog will settle with us during their stay, all new clients will be invited to a meet and greet session with myself and resident dog before an overnight stay can take place.

By taking part in the meet and greet session it gives the opportunity for me to see how the dog behaves in a new environment with their owners accompanying them. I will happily oblige to as many meet and greet sessions that the owner wishes, in order to make sure they are comfortable and at ease with the new environment.

In order to make new guests feel more at ease, we encourage owners to bring in their own bedding, toys, treats and anything they think will make the experience happy for the dog.

we also encourage owners to bring their own food in for their dog so that they have some familiarity.

10.0 Dogs under the Age of one year old

We do accept bookings from dogs under the age of one year old. They must have had their booster vaccinations and kennel cough completed before they enter.

We will NOT be able to supply a puppy food, so if the dog is still on this, the owner must be made aware that they will need to provide this for their dog.

Puppies can also need a lot more of attention in forms of exercise and mental stimulation. Therefore, we encourage owners of young dogs to provide us with boredom breakers such as kongs/treat balls to fill for their dog.

Where possible, we will try to provide additional exercise for these young dogs, however exercise for these young dogs will be restricted to ensure they do not hurt themselves as their bones will still be growing.

We also encourage owners to bring in their own bedding/items that smell of home in order to help the dog/puppy settle in.

11.0 Transporting animals on and off the premises

While any dog is staying with us, they will be taken off the premises during their daily exercise, which will be at least twice a day or if they require veterinary attention.

This transportation will be done by myself, Faith Hart in my car. Dogs will be transported either in secure, and safe crates which are secured in the back of a car or via seat belt straps attached to their harness.

No dog will be left in the car unattended.

The crates will then be disinfected and cleaned after every guest goes home, ready for the next.

12.0 Toy Play for Dogs

Owners must provide toys for their animals should they wish for them to have them during their stay. We do have a small selection here, which they would be more than welcome to play with during their stay.

Owners provide toys for their dogs that they know will be safe with them to be left.

13 Death & Escape Procedure

13.1 DEATH

In the event of a death to one of the client dogs on the premises of Poodling Paws, I will notify the owner to the situation. The vets will then be contacted to remove the animal. It is the owners choice what will then happen to the animal. The vets may wish to do a post morton.

The carcass will be stored away from all animals within the premises in an isolated area until the vets arrive to remove the deceased animal. A thorough check of the scene will be made, to determine the cause of death. Should Poodling Paws be found to be at fault, we will take full responsibility.


In the event of an escape of one of the dogs on the premises. A plan will then be made in looking for the animal. The owners will also be alerted, and the local vets will be alerted. Dogs Lost UK Will be alerted and a poster and advert will be made.

14.0 Various Emergency Situations

14.1 Immediate Danger

Fire – In the event of a fire, all staff (myself and partner) and animals will be removed from the property, and the evac bag will be taken with us. Depending on the severity we will either congregate in the back garden in the lock up area, or in the park opposite to property.

Dog Bites – Should a dog bite myself or partner, depending on the severity we will either administer first aid ourselves or take a visit to our local minor injuries unit (less than a mile from the property).

14.2 Handling Casualties

In the event of an emergency such as fire, any minor injuries can then be dealt with once everyone is safe (both human and animal). If there is any life threatening injuries, or major injuries, we will move the person if possible to a safe place, and then contact emergency services.

14.3 Dealing with the Non-Injured

In the event of an emergency, any person on site to evacuate the premises and stand in the park at the front of the property and wait further instructions.

14.5 Protecting the Property

We will take reasonable precautions to protect the property. We have CCTV installed at the property. We are awaiting further cameras to be fitted so that we have full coverage.

15.0 Cancellation Policy

For all overnight stays or holiday boarding you are required to pay a non-refundable deposit to secure that booking.

Should you wish to shorten your pets board, you will need to give us a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice prior to the boarding dates. 

If you do not give us 2 weeks’ notice, the remainder of the invoice is required in full for boarding you originally booked.

This is due to too many bookings being shortened at too late notice when availability could have been filled by another fluffy guest.

All deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE.

16.0 Payment Policy

16.1 Holidays

In order to secure your dates with us we will require a 25% deposit at time of booking. Which is non refundable. The remainder of the monies will need to be cleared within 14 days prior to your booking. We accept bank transfers & cash only.

16.2 Day Care

Payment is required at time of booking to secure your dates. Monies are non-refundable.

17.0 Microchip Procedure

On the 6th April 2016, the new microchipping law came into play, which means ALL dogs must be microchipped and registered by the age of 8 weeks old.